Makino, T.Saito, K.Ohtomo, A.Kawasaki, M.Senger, R. T.Bajaj, K. K.2016-02-082016-02-0820060021-8979 dynamics of excitons was studied for ZnOMgZnO and CdZnOMgZnO quantum wells (QWs). The experimental photoluminescence (PL) and absorption data were compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulation in which the excitonic hopping was modeled. The temperature-dependent PL linewidth and Stokes shift were found to be in a reasonable agreement with the hopping model, with accounting for an additional inhomogeneous broadening. The density of localized states used in the simulation for the CdZnO QW was consistent with the absorption spectrum.EnglishAbsorption spectrumExcitonic hoppingInhomogeneous broadeningLocalization dynamicsAbsorptionCadmium compoundsComputer simulationExcitonsPhotoluminescenceZinc oxideSemiconductor quantum wellsMonte Carlo simulation of localization dynamics of excitons in ZnO and CdZnO quantum well structuresArticle10.1063/1.21814311089-7550