Sandıkcı, Ö.Peterson M.Ekici, A.Simkins, T.2018-04-122018-04-1220160276-1467, scholars have been calling attention to the macro-social and institutional structures shaping development and welfare. In this study we offer a socio-temporally situated understanding of quality of life (QOL) in a developing country setting and investigate the effects of macro structures on consumer well-being. Specifically, we focus on neoliberal development (led by the business sector, rather than led or directed by the government) and examine how a neoliberal transformation of the marketplace affects consumers’ QOL perceptions. The context of our research is Turkey, a developing country that has been an avid follower of neoliberal policies since the 1990s. We focus on three key macro-social developments that have been shaping Turkish society in the past decades – globalization, religion, and economic growth – and seek to understand how these forces influence consumers’ satisfaction with life. Our study contributes to the literature on development and QOL by first, showing the moderating effect of income, and second, introducing faith and global brands as important variables in conceptualizing QOL.EnglishEconomic growthGlobalizationMacromarketingNeoliberalismQuality of lifeReligionTurkeyDevelopment and quality of life in Turkey: how globalization, religion, and economic growth influence individual well-beingArticle10.1177/0276146715608919