Yumer, R.Akar, N.Karasan, E.2015-07-282015-07-2820151573-4277http://hdl.handle.net/11693/12718A novel Class-Based First Fit (CBFF) spectrum allocation policy is proposed for dynamic flexgrid optical networks. The effectiveness of the proposed CBFF policy is compared with that of the First Fit (FF) policy for single-link and network scenarios. Throughput is shown to be consistently improved under the proposed CBFF policy with throughput gains of up to 15%, compared with the FF policy for the network scenarios we studied. The reduction in bandwidth blocking probability with CBFF with respect to FF increases as the link capacities increase. Throughput gains of CBFF compared with those of FF are more significant under alternate routing as opposed to fixed routing.EnglishBandwidth blocking probabilityConnection blocking probabilityFirst fitFlexgrid optical networksSpectrum allocationClass-based first-fit spectrum allocation with fragmentation avoidance for dynamic flexgrid optical networksArticle10.1016/j.osn.2014.06.001