Ündeğer, Berkay2021-10-072021-10-072021-102021-102021-10-06http://hdl.handle.net/11693/76588Cataloged from PDF version of article.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 259-266).Critical reading of the media has become an increasingly important skill in the face of ever-expanding exposure to numerous types of media in all aspects and moments of life in the contemporary world. This thesis sets out to provide an instructional framework for media education in general, and for critical media literacy education in particular based on the frameworks of critical thinking as defined by Davies and Barnett (2015), the approaches of media literacy as defined by Kellner and Share (2007), and the curriculum ideologies as defined by Schiro (2013). This study uses meta-ethnography as the research methodology to examine theses/dissertations and journal articles on critical media literacy instruction to derive second-order interpretations for the purpose of generating third-order interpretations as an instructional framework. The study finds that much of the contemporary research in critical media literacy practice addresses critical thinking as critical pedagogy and as dispositions, and combines aspects of various curricular ideologies by using a variety of different media involving production of alternative media.xvi, 271 leaves : illustrations ; 30 cm.Englishinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCritical media literacyMedia educationCritical thinkingCritical pedagogyCritical dispositionsCurriculum ideologiesGuidelines for developing critical media literacy instructional framework: a critical interpretive meta studyEleştirel medya okuryazarlığı öğretim çerçevesi geliştirme kılavuzu: bir eleştirel yorumlayıcı meta çalışmaThesisB132983