Karaşan, O. E.2015-07-282015-07-282011-080254-5330http://hdl.handle.net/11693/11822We consider the problem of dualizing a Boolean function f represented by a DNF. In its most general form, this problem is commonly believed not to be solvable by a quasi-polynomial total time algorithm.We show that if the input DNF is quadratic or is a special degree-k DNF, then dualization turns out to be equivalent to hypergraph dualization in hypergraphs of bounded degree and hence it can be achieved in incremental polynomial time.EnglishBoolean functionDualizationQuadratic functionDegree-k functionPolynomial total time algorithmHypergraph transversalIncremental polynomial time dualization of quadratic functions and a subclass of degree-k functionsArticle10.1007/s10479-009-0637-x1572-9338