Yildiz, A.Lisesivdin, S.B.Altuntas H.Kasap, M.Ozcelik, S.2016-02-082016-02-0820090921-4526http://hdl.handle.net/11693/22657The temperature dependent Hall effect and resistivity measurements of Si δ-doped GaAs are performed in a temperature range of 25-300 K. The temperature dependence of carrier concentration shows a characteristic minimum at about 200 K, which indicates a transition from the conduction band conduction to the impurity band conduction. The temperature dependence of the conductivity results are in agreement with terms due to conduction band conduction and localized state hopping conduction in the impurity band. It is found that the transport properties of Si δ-doped GaAs are mainly governed by the dislocation scattering mechanism at high temperatures. On the other hand, the conductivity follows the Mott variable range hopping conduction (VRH) at low temperatures in the studied structures. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.English2D VRHImpurity band conductionSi δ-doped GaAsDislocation scatteringElectrical conductionGaAsHigh temperatureHopping conductionImpurity band conductionImpurity bandsLocalized stateLow temperaturesMott variable-range hoppingResistivity measurementTemperature dependenceTemperature dependentTemperature rangeCarrier concentrationConduction bandsElectric propertiesElectron mobilityGallium alloysHall effectMagnetic field effectsSemiconducting galliumSiliconTemperature distributionTransport propertiesThermal effectsElectrical conduction properties of Si δ-doped GaAs grown by MBEArticle10.1016/j.physb.2009.07.190