Kocaer, S.2016-02-082016-02-08200613003984http://hdl.handle.net/11693/23612Elegy is a genre in literature which is generally thought with death and which cannot be defined clearly. Scholars tried to define the features of elegy by observing elegies in rural areas. Elegy's features are composed of two main parts: Formal features and features of its content. Is the tradition of elegy, forgotten or is it is still alive in urban areas? The observations show that, during the changing and conversion process from rural life to city life, while elegy keeps its content, it continues living in cities by adapting its formal features to city life. In this paper, the changes and conversions of elegy will be discussed with the example of Bariş Manço. It is observed that, after his death, news, articles and programs on media about him had the content features of elegy. So, it is possible to say that, elegy, which is a part of rural life, continues living in city life in a way.TurkishChangeContentConversionDeathElegyFormFrom rural to urban from verse to prose the transformation in elegy: Bariş MançoKirdan kente nazimdan nesre ağitta dönüşüm: Bariş Manço ÖrneğiArticle