Tonkaev, P.Koshelev, K.Masharin, Mikhail A.Makarov S.Kruk S.Kruk S.2024-03-212024-03-2120232429-1390 Name: 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META 2023Date of Conference: 18 July 2023 through 21 July 2023Many outstanding properties of halide perovskites provided their applications in optoelectronics. Perovskite films demonstrate outstanding nonlinear properties with large optical nonlinearities comparable to the nonlinear constants of conventional semiconductor materials. Meanwhile, nonlinear properties can be enhanced by the metaphotonic approach. Here we demonstrate a two-order enhancement of fifth-harmonic generation in halide perovskite nonlocal metasurfaces due to high-quality resonance at the generated harmonic wavelength in the visible frequency range. © 2023, META Conference. All rights reserved.enEnhanced generation of higher harmonic from Halide Perovskite MetasurfacesConference Paper