Savaş, S.Şenel, Ö.Çelikkan, H.Uǧraş, A.Aksu, M. L.2016-02-082016-02-0820060172-780X study was carried out to investigate the effects of 6-week aerobic exercise program upon blood Zn and Cu levels. There were 12 male university students with an average age of 21.67+/-0.89 years and no regular training habits participated in the study. The participants were subjected three days a week 1 hour a day continuous running program on treadmill with an intensity of 60-70% for a period of six weeks. They were fed with zinc and copper free diet throughout the study and it was made sure that they were not using copper or zinc containing vitamin tablets. The difference between the pre and post study period were found to be statistically significant as regards to both resting and maximal loading conditions (p<0.01). The pre and post training maxVO2 values were also found to be positively correlated with the copper and zinc levels in blood. Both the copper and zinc blood levels were found decreased after the training period p<0.05.EnglishAerobic exerciseTrace metalsCopperOxygenTrace metalBlood pressure measurementBody weightControlled studyCopper blood levelCorrelation analysisDiastolic blood pressureDietary intakeHeart beatHumanHuman experimentMaleOxygen consumptionRunningStatistical significanceSystolic blood pressureTreadmill exerciseZinc blood levelAdultExerciseOxygen ConsumptionReference ValuesRunningZincEffect of six weeks aerobic training upon blood trace metals levelsArticle