Bagci, H.Korpeoglu, I.Yazıcı, A.2015-07-282015-07-282015-041045-9219 paper introduces a distributed fault-tolerant topology control algorithm, called the Disjoint Path Vector (DPV), for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks composed of a large number of sensor nodes with limited energy and computing capability and several supernodes with unlimited energy resources. The DPV algorithm addresses the k-degree Anycast Topology Control problem where the main objective is to assign each sensor's transmission range such that each has at least k-vertex-disjoint paths to supernodes and the total power consumption is minimum. The resulting topologies are tolerant to k - 1 node failures in the worst case. We prove the correctness of our approach by showing that topologies generated by DPV are guaranteed to satisfy k-vertex supernode connectivity. Our simulations show that the DPV algorithm achieves up to 4-fold reduction in total transmission power required in the network and 2-fold reduction in maximum transmission power required in a node compared to existing solutions.EnglishTopology controlFault toleranceK-connectivityDisjoint pathsHeterogeneous wireless sensor networksEnergy efficiencyA distributed tault-tolerant topology control algorithm for heterogeneous wireless sensor networksArticle10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316142