Heper, M.2019-01-252019-01-2520011468-3857http://hdl.handle.net/11693/48378Until recently, although they did not subscribe to political Islam, religiously-oriented political parties in Turkey were closed down because their leaders could not prevent some militant members from making statements provocative to the secular and democratic regime in that country. Turkey has had a cultural-cumcivic nationalism; consequently, even Turkey's long-standing Kurdish problem, which in recent years has been brought under control, did not give rise to ethnic nationalism. Nonetheless, the military, which in the post-19 60 period has intervened in politics several times, has continued to perceive political Islam and the ethnic question as critical threats for Turkey. Here the generally inept performance of political actors was a major contributory factor. On the eve of the twenty-first century, however, Turkey has begun to be governed by a stable and effective coalition government that has enabled the Turks to look into the future with greater optimism.EnglishTurkey: yesterday, today and tomorrowArticle10.1080/146838501084546501743-9639