Yilmaz, E.Süzer, Şefik2015-07-282015-07-282010-09-010169-4332http://hdl.handle.net/11693/12075Thin PMMA films with and without gold nanoparticles were subjected to +/-10V d.c. and a.c. (square wave) excitations in various frequencies while recording their XPS spectra, and the resulting differences due to charging were examined. Both pure PMMA films and films containing gold nanoparticles showed charging shifts, but those of pure PMMA were more extensive than of PMMA containing gold nanoparticles, suggesting enhanced conductivity, induced by the incorporated gold nanoparticles. Non-charging behavior for these films was also observed with the increase of gold nanoparticle concentration. Gold nanoparticles were in situ synthesized and photo-patterned within the polymer films by UV irradiation.EnglishAu-nanoparticlesPmma matrixIn situ synthesisChargingAu nanoparticles in PMMA matrix: In situ synthesis and the effect of Au nanoparticles on PMMA conductivityArticle10.1016/j.apsusc.2010.04.0601873-5584