Degtyarev, A.2015-07-282015-07-2820140213-2230 describe the Alexander modules and Alexander polynomials (both over ℚ and over finite fields Fp) of generalized trigonal curves. The rational case is completely resolved; in the case of characteristic p > 0, a few points remain open. The results obtained apply as well to plane curves with deep singularities. © European Mathematical Society.We describe the Alexander modules and Alexander polynomials (both over Q and over finite fields Fp) of generalized trigonal curves. The rational case is closed completely; in the case of characteristic p > 0, a few points remain open. The results obtained apply as well to plane curves with deep singularities.EnglishAlexander ModuleAlexander PolynomialBurau RepresentationFundamental GroupModular GroupTrigonal CurveThe Alexander module of a trigonal curveArticle10.4171/RMI/768