Wright, Timothy Sean2025-02-212025-02-212024-09-031753-3171https://hdl.handle.net/11693/116534This essay offers a brief assessment of the potential of a formalist approach to the criticism of South African literature. Examining Graham K. Riach's recent study The Short Story After Apartheid, it suggests that the "New Formalism" Riach employs provides an innovative mode of criticism that sees the literary text as interactive with its context rather than as a space of passive representation. Viewing the literary text as a spur to insight allows for a creative engagement with and vivification of many of the sedimented categories of South African critical thought. The essay expresses misgivings, however, about, first, the possibility of harnessing this mode of reading to a determinate political end, and second, its general bias toward the conceptual aspects of literary experience over and against the affective.EnglishCC BY (Attribution 4.0 International)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Short storySouth AfricaSouth African literaturePost-apartheid literatureA formalist in the trenches: Graham K. Riach’s The Short Story After ApartheidArticle10.1080/17533171.2024.23758371543-1304