Babaoglu, B.Altintas, A.Ertürk, V. B.2016-02-082016-02-0820050895-2477 from and propagation over rough-terrain profiles, as well as reentrant surfaces are investigated using an integral equation (IE)-based spectrally accelerated biconjugate gradient stabilized (SA-BiCGSTAB) method, with a storage requirement and a computational cost of O(N) per iteration, where N is the surface unknowns in the discretized IE. Numerical results in the form of current and path loss are presented and compared with previously published as well as measured results in order to assess the accuracy and efficiency of this method.EnglishBiconjugate gradient stabilized methodElectromagnetic rough-surface scatteringPropagation over terrainSpectral accelerationAccelerationElectric current distributionElectric currentsElectric impedanceElectromagnetic wavesGeometrical opticsGreen's functionIntegral equationsIterative methodsLight propagationMethod of momentsTwo dimensionalLight scatteringSpectrally accelerated biconjugate gradient stabilized method for scattering from and propagation over electrically large inhomogeneous geometriesArticle10.1002/mop.209301098-2760