Gümüş, Melike2016-01-082016-01-082015http://hdl.handle.net/11693/16935Cataloged from PDF version of article.Includes bibliographical references leaves 64-67.Germanium and silicon are the materials which have effective absorption in the visible and near infrared region of electromagnetic spectrum; therefore they are preferred for optoelectronic device and solar cell applications. Si and Ge are the material of choice when it comes to solar cell applications due to their being low cost, widely available and inert. They have indirect bandgap and the absorption coefficient of indirect bandgap materials is lower than direct ones. It is known that decreasing dimensions of materials to nanometric sizes cause transition from indirect bandgap to direct bandgap behavior along with increasing band gap. Therefore decreasing their dimensions both a shift of the band gap toward the blue as well as an increase in absorption can be achieved. In this work, thin films of SiOx:Ge were fabricated with different germanium concentrations and annealed with CW Ar+ laser operating at 488 nm that resulted in formation of Ge nanocrystals in the SiOx matrix. Composition analysis of as grown samples were done by Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy, optical properties were determined by ellipsometry. Nanocrystal formation within laser irradiated samples was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Data were also collected about crystal formation by scanning surface texture with stylus surface profilometer. As a result of all the analysis, it was shown that crystal formation depends on germanium concentration in the SiOx matrix and laser irradiation power densityix, 67 leaves, graphics, illustrationsEnglishinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGe nanocrystalsPECVDthin filmsCW laser irradiationQC611.8.N33 G86 2015Nanocrystals.Thin films.Laser beams.Formation of Ge nanocrystals with CW laser irradiation of Siox:Ge thin filmsThesis