Çalışkan, Sina YamaçÖzbay, Hitay2016-02-082016-02-082009-061474-6670http://hdl.handle.net/11693/28643Date of Conference: 16-18 June 2009Conference name: 6th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design 2009In this paper we consider the heat equation with time delayed feedback. Recently, stability analysis of this system, with possibly time-varying delay, is done by Fridman and Orlov (2007, 2009); and a sufficient condition is obtained for stability in terms of a linear matrix inequality. Here we consider the same system, but with constant delay, and perform the stability analysis in the frequency domain. A necessary and sufficient condition is obtained in terms of the system parameters. The result is illustrated with numerical examples. © 2009 IFAC.EnglishConstant delaysFrequency domainsHeat equationNumerical exampleStability analysisSufficient conditionsTime-delayed feedbackTime-varying delayFrequency domain analysisLinear matrix inequalitiesRobust controlSystem stabilityStability analysis of the heat equation with time-delayed feedbackConference Paper10.3182/20090616-3-IL-2002.00038