Ferhatović, D.2019-02-072019-02-0720130039-3738http://hdl.handle.net/11693/49022Throughout this essay, I focus on the spolium, a fragment charged with meaning that crosses several boundaries, in order to illuminate the poetics of a notoriously idiosyncratic Anglo-Saxon text, the poem now called Andreas. After a short introduction to several literal and metaphorical instances of recycling of objets d'art in the early Middle Ages, on the Continent, and in England, I discuss in detail two episodes in Andreas in which animated artifacts appear as both results of and participants in spoliation—the angel sculpture from a temple set in motion by Jesus and the water-issuing marble column from the Mermedonian dungeon activated by Andrew.EnglishStatuesHarrowingApostlesMedieval poetryNarrativesChristianityLiterary styleLyric poetryArt objectsSpolia-inflected poetics of the old English AndreasArticle10.1353/sip.2013.00091543-0383