Barshan, B.2016-02-082016-02-081999-120018-9456 novel, flexible, three-dimensional multisensor sonar system is described to localize the center of a generalized spherical target and estimate its radius of curvature. Point, line, and planar targets are included as limiting cases which are important for the characterization of a mobile robot's environment. Sensitivity analysis of the curvature estimate with respect to measurement errors and some of the system parameters is provided. The analysis is verified experimentally for specularly reflecting cylindrical and planar targets. Typical accuracies in range and azimuth are 0.17 mm and 0.1°, respectively. Accuracy of the curvature estimate depends on the target type and system parameters such as transducer separation and operating range.EnglishAcoustic holographyAcoustic imagingCylinders (shapes)Data acquisitionDistance measurementMaximum likelihood estimationMeasurement errorsMobile robotsNatural frequenciesParameter estimationSensitivity analysisCurvature estimationIntelligent sensorsRobot sensing systemsSonar position measurementTime of flight measurementsSonarLocation and curvature estimation of spherical targets using multiple sonar time-of-flight measurementsArticle10.1109/19.816139