Karaman, Berfu LaçinÇetin, Emine BetülAcar, ElifÇeper, CerenBoşdurmaz, Ekin Bircan2019-05-232019-05-232018http://hdl.handle.net/11693/51747Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2018.This work is a student project of the Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.The History of Turkey course (HIST200) is a requirement for all Bilkent undergraduates. It is designed to encourage students to work in groups on projects concerning any topic of their choice that relates to the history of Turkey. It is designed as an interactive course with an emphasis on research and the objective of investigating events, chronologically short historical periods, as well as historic representations. Students from all departments prepare and present final projects for examination by a committee, with 10 projects chosen to receive awards.Includes bibliographical references (page 14).Bursa Işıklar Askeri Lisesi, Türkiye’nin en eski ve köklü eğitim kurumlarından bir tanesidir ve eğitim faaliyetlerini sürdürdüğü süre boyunca eğitim ve sosyal hayat açısından birçok değişimden geçmiştir. Bu değişimlerde etkili olan en çarpıcı ögelerden biri de 12 Eylül 1980 Darbesi’dir. Bu makale, 12 Eylül 1980 Darbesi’nin Işıklar Askeri Lisesi’nde o dönemde eğitimlerine devam eden öğrencilerin öğrenim ve sosyal hayatları üzerindeki etkisini inceler. İnceleme yapılırken lisenin, 1980 Darbesinin hemen öncesinde mezun olmuş, darbe sırasında hala lisede öğrenci olan ve lisedeki eğitimlerine darbenin hemen sonrasında başlamış mezunlarla sözlü ve yazılı röportaj yapılmış, onların sağladıkları bilginin yanı sıra 1980 Darbesinin Türkiye üzerindeki etkilerini inceleyen ve Işıklar Askeri Lisesi tarihini ele alan yazılı kaynaklardan da yararlanılmıştır. Sonuca varılırken, sözlü kaynakların yorumları ve yazılı kaynaklardan edinilen bilgiler karşılaştırılmıştır.Bursa Işıklar Military School is one of the oldest and most rooted establishments and throughout the time it continued its educational activities, it went through a considerable amount of changes. One of the crucial elements that affected these changes was the military coup which took place on 12 of September. This article analyzes the effects of this military coup on the adolescents who were cadets at Işıklar Military High Schools during that period of time. Whilst conducting the research, three different alumni and the teacher of religious culture and ethics at the time were interviewed. These alumni were chosen from different time periods, one was graduated right before the coup, one was still a student during the coup and one entered the school afterwards. Also printed sources relating the effects of the coup on Republic of Turkey and history of Işıklar Military High School were reviewed. Lastly, the results of the three interviews and findings from printed sources were compared to reach a conclusion.43 pages.TurkishCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeAskeri lise1980 İhtilaliSivil liseMilitary high school1980 Turkish coup d'étatHigh schoolEMİROĞLU HIST 200-4/2 2017-1812 Eylül 1980 Askeri Darbesi'nin ; Işıklar Askeri Lisesi eğitim hayatına etkisi (1976-1988)Student ProjectSPB2798