McHale, J. P.Salman‐Engin, S.Coovert, M. D.2019-02-052019-02-052015-120014-7370 on this project was supported by a grant from the Brady Education Foundation. We thank Mt. Zion Human Services and the Pinellas County Health Department for their partnership on this project; Mari Kittle, Jessica Gordon, Rashid Mizell, Eric Armstrong, and Florence Guillett for their efforts in recruitment, family interviews, and assessments; Kyle DePalma for database management and support; the interventionists, supervisors, and Family Study Center staff who helped participant families feel welcome and valued; and above all, the families who provided a deeply personal glimpse into their lives. This work, and the impact it stands to make in our field, would have been impossible without them and their commitment to and vision for their children. No author has any conflict of interest related to this article.EnglishImprovements in unmarried African American Parents' rapport, communication, and problem ‐ solving following a prenatal coparenting interventionArticle10.1111/famp.121471545-5300