Oktem F.S.Özaktaş, Haldun M.2016-02-082016-02-082013http://hdl.handle.net/11693/28026Date of Conference: 23–27 June 2013Conference name: Imaging Systems and Applications 2013We study the degrees of freedom of optical systems and signals based on space-frequency (phase space) analysis. At the heart of this study is the relationship of the linear canonical transform domains to the space-frequency plane. Based on this relationship, we discuss how to explicitly quantify the degrees of freedom of first-order optical systems with multiple apertures, and give conditions for lossless transfer. Moreover, we focus on the degrees of freedom of signals in relation to the space-frequency support and provide a sub-Nyquist sampling approach to represent signals with arbitrary space-frequency support. Implications for simulating optical systems are also discussed. © 2013 Optical Society of America.EnglishDegrees of freedom (mechanics)Imaging systemsMechanicsPhase space methodsSignal samplingFirst-order optical systemsLinear canonical transformLosslessMultiple aperturesSpace-frequencySub-Nyquist samplingSystem simulationsOptical systemsDegrees of freedom of optical systems and signals with applications to sampling and system simulationConference Paper10.1364/ISA.2013.ITu1E.1