Sefunc, M. A.Okyay, Ali KemalDemir, Hilmi Volkan2015-07-282015-07-2820111094-4087 P3HT:PCBM based organic solar cells we propose and demonstrate numerically plasmonic backcontact grating architectures for strong optical absorption enhanced in both transverse-magnetic and transverse-electric polarizations. Even when the active material is partially replaced by the metallic grating (without increasing the active layer film thickness), we show computationally that the light absorption in thin-film P3HT:PCBM is increased by a maximum factor of similar to 21% considering both polarizations under AM1.5G solar radiation and over a half-maximum incidence angle of 45 degrees (where the enhancement drops to its half) compared to the same cell without a grating. This backcontact grating outperforms the typical plasmonic grating placed in PEDOT:PSS layer. (C)2011 Optical Society of America.EnglishHeterojunction Photovoltaic CellsDesignEnhancementFilmsLayerPlasmonic backcontact grating for P3HT:PCBM organic solar cells enabling strong optical absorption increased in all polarizationsArticle10.1364/OE.19.014200