Conrad, F.Morgül, Ö.2016-02-082016-02-081998-110363-0129 study the stability of a flexible beam that is clamped at one end and free at the other; a mass is also attached to the free end of the beam. To stabilize this system we apply a boundary control force at the free end of the beam. We prove that the closed-loop system is well-posed and is exponentially stable. We then analyze the spectrum of the system for a special case and prove that the spectrum determines the exponential decay rate for the considered case.EnglishBoundary controlFlexible structuresInfinite dimensional systemsSemigroup theoryStabilityClosed loop control systemsEigenvalues and eigenfunctionsEquations of motionFeedbackMathematical modelsStabilizationBoundary controlFlexible beamInfinite dimensional systemsSemigroup theoryTip massAsymptotic stabilityOn the stabilization of a flexible beam with a tip massArticle10.1137/S0363012996302366