Morgül, Ömer2016-02-082016-02-0819900191-2216 of Conference: 5-7 December 1990Conference Name: 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE 1990We consider a flexible spacecraft modeled as a rigid body which rotates in an inertial frame; a light flexible beam is clamped to the rigid body at one end and free at the other end. We assume that the flexible spacecraft performs only planar motions. We pose two control problems; namely, the orientation and the stabilization of the system. It is shown that suitable boundary controls applied to the free end of the beam and suitable control torques applied to the rigid body solve the problems posed above.EnglishControl SystemsMechanical VariablesEquations of motionSystem stabilityOrientation controlPlanar motionRigid motionsSpacecraftOrientation and control of a flexible spacecraft: planar motionConference Paper10.1109/CDC.1990.203623