İmamoğlu, ÇağrıŞenyapılı, BurcuOsman-Demirbaş, Özgen2019-01-312019-01-312009-010258-5316 paper (1) claims that in spite of the unique opportunities introduced to design learning by the emergence of virtual models, the benefits of learning through building in real-scale cannot be totally disregarded. Within this framework, a real-scale project through which students could study light, color and texture was proposed in a senior interior design studio course. Students were asked to work in groups and create a set design, using different objects, materials, colors and lighting configurations within a mock-up space. This paper presents an assessment of the students' responses to the project, discussing the impacts of the project in terms of three main aspects: learning by doing and seeing, learning in different styles, and learning in a group environment. The study suggests that despite its functional difficulties both in terms of provision of space and budget, the integration of even simple real-scale projects to the design studio may be a viable option in design education, enhancing students' comprehension of the transformation between the design and its application.EnglishReal-scaleDesign learningLearning by doingSet designVirtual modelsExperiencing the real-scale: mock-up of a set design projectArticle