Şenyapılı, BurcuMartens, B.Brown, A.2019-05-152019-05-1520059783854372769http://hdl.handle.net/11693/51291This paper discusses the problem of locating buildings of architectural heritage with respect to different typologies. The cross referencing process of such a task can often be tedious and difficult. Within this framework, this paper introduces a system model that enables users to pin-point the buildings with respect to different typologies. The model introduced here differs from similar efforts by displaying of the results of inquiries on a visual matrix. A limited sample domain of Classical Ottoman architectural heritage illustrates how the proposed model will operate. All the buildings entered in the system have textual and visual data entries along with static and dynamic attributes. In any inquiry, the attributes determine which buildings will be included, and the visual data fill in the cells of the matrix.EnglishArchitectural heritageDesign educationTypologiesDatabase systemsA System model for pin-pointing the historical buildings with respect to multiple typologiesBook Chapter