Aydınol, Ayşe BegümGültekin, Özgür2016-02-082016-02-082010http://hdl.handle.net/11693/28565Date of Conference: June 26 - 30, 2010In this study a video tutorial for spreadsheet use (Excel) will be prepared by two undergraduate students by using a recorder and applied on a group of students to understand how effective this kind of a tutorial is to increase student achievement. Copyright 2010 ACM.EnglishComputer-assisted instructionIndependent learningInstructional technologySpreadsheet (Excel)Student achievementVideo tutorialComputer Assisted InstructionIndependent learningInstructional technologyStudent achievementUndergraduate studentsComputer aided instructionComputer scienceEducation computingEngineering educationEngineering researchInnovationSpreadsheetsTechnologyStudentsThe effect of video tutorials on learning spreadsheetsConference Paper10.1145/1822090.1822200