Ararat, ÇağınTekgül, S.Ulus, Firdevs2024-03-082024-03-082023-01-271052-6234 study geometric duality for convex vector optimization problems. For a primal problem with a q-dimensional objective space, we formulate a dual problem with a (q+1)-dimensional objective space. Consequently, different from an existing approach, the geometric dual problem does not depend on a fixed direction parameter, and the resulting dual image is a convex cone. We prove a one-to-one correspondence between certain faces of the primal and dual images. In addition, we show that a polyhedral approximation for one image gives rise to a polyhedral approximation for the other. Based on this, we propose a geometric dual algorithm which solves the primal and dual problems simultaneously and is free of direction-biasedness. We also modify an existing direction-free primal algorithm in such a way that it solves the dual problem as well. We test the performance of the algorithms for randomly generated problem instances by using the so-called primal error and hypervolume indicator as performance measures. © 2023 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.enConvex vector optimizationMultiobjective optimizationApproximation algorithmScalarizationGeometric dualityHypervolume indicatorGeometric duality results and approximation algorithms for convex vector optimization problemsArticle10.1137/21M1458788CC BY1095-7189