Kimukin, İbrahimBıyıklı, NecmiÖzbay, EkmelÖzbay, Ekmel2016-02-082016-02-082002 of Conference: 17-22 March 2002Conference Name: Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, OFC 2002A high speed and high efficiency resonant cavity enhanced InGaAs based photodetector was demonstrated. A peak quantum efficiency of 66% was measured along with 31 GHz bandwidth with the device. The photoresponse was found to be linear upto 6 mW optical power, where the device 5 mA photocurrent.EnglishBandwidthCavity resonatorsOhmic contactsOptical communicationOptical waveguidesPhotocurrentsPhotodiodesQuantum efficiencySemiconducting indium gallium arsenideResonant cavity enhanced photodetectorsPhotodetectorsHigh-performance 1.55 μm resonant cavity enhanced photodetectorConference Paper10.1109/OFC.2002.1036271