Syed, Mustafa W.Akosman, Ahmet E.Ordu, Mustafa2022-02-082022-02-082021-08-27978-1-6654-4674-7 Name: 2021 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID)Date of Conference: 27 August 2021The sources of the confinement losses in semiconductor-core optical fibers are numerically investigated by introducing fabrication-inspired imperfections such as micro-cracks and core ellipticity. The imperfections increase the losses up to 200 dB/m at the targeted spectrum that is comparable to experimental findings.EnglishSemiconductor-core fibersConfinement lossesNid-infrared transmissionNumerical investigation of confinement losses in semiconductor-core optical fibersConference Paper10.1109/RAPID51799.2021.9521383978-1-6654-2223-9