Durak, L.Arıkan, OrhanSong, I.2016-02-082016-02-082005http://hdl.handle.net/11693/27335Date of Conference: 16-18 May 2005Conference Name: 13th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, IEEE 2005A novel adaptive short-time Fourier transform (STFT) implementation for the analysis of non-stationary multi-component jammer signals is introduced. The proposed time-frequency distribution is the fusion of optimum STFTs of individual signal components that are based on the recently introduced generalized time-bandwidth product (GTBP) definition. The GTBP optimal STFTs of the components are combined through thresholding and obtaining the individual component support images, which are related with the corresponding GTBP optimal STFTs.TurkishBandwidthFourier transformsFrequency allocationJammingGeneralized time bandwidth product (GTBP)Jammer signalsShort time Fourier transform (STFT)ThresholdingSignal processingDurağan olmayan çok bileşenli boğucu sinyaller için yeni bir uyarlanır karışma çıkarıcı analiziConference Paper10.1109/SIU.2005.1567613