Serebryannikov A.E.Lakhtakia A.Özbay, EkmelÖzbay, Ekmel2018-04-122018-04-1220169781467386036 of Conference: 11-15 July 2016We simulated the transmission of terahertz waves through a single metasurface and two coupled metasurfaces that comprise H-shaped subwavelength resonators made of InAs, a magnetically tunable material. The magnetostatic field was varied from 0 to 1 T. The obtained results demonstrate that the substrate permittivity and the coupling of metasurfaces can significantly affect filtering performance as well as the possibility of tuning for different orientations of the magnetostatic field. � 2016 IEEE.EnglishMagnetostaticsMicrowave resonatorsNumerical modelsResonatorsTerahertz wavesFiltering performanceMagnetostatic fieldMetasurfacePolarization sensitiveStop-bandsSub-wavelength resonatorsTerahertz filtersTunable materialsOptoelectronic devicesSingle and coupled metasurfaces for tunable polarization-sensitive terahertz filtersConference Paper10.1109/NUSOD.2016.7547030