Boratay Alici, K.Burak Turhan, A.Soukoulis, C.M.Özbay, Ekmel2016-02-082016-02-08201110944087 designed, fabricated, and experimentally characterized thin absorbers utilizing both electrical and magnetic impedance matching at the near-infrared regime. The absorbers consist of four main layers: a metal back plate, dielectric spacer, and two artificial layers. One of the artificial layers provides electrical resonance and the other one provides magnetic resonance yielding a polarization independent broadband perfect absorption. The structure response remains similar for the wide angle of incidence due to the sub-wavelength unit cell size of the constituting artificial layers. The design is useful for applications such as thermal photovoltaics, sensors, and camouflage. ©2011 Optical Society of America.EnglishInfrared devicesMagnetic resonancePlate metalDielectric spacersNear InfraredNear-infrared bandsPhotovoltaicsPolarization independentResonant absorberStructure responseSub-wavelengthThin absorbersUnit cell sizeWide anglePolarizationOptically thin composite resonant absorber at the near-infrared band: A polarization independent and spectrally broadband configurationArticle10.1364/OE.19.014260