Atak, OğuzhanAtalar, Abdullah2016-02-082016-02-082010-07 of Conference: 7-9 July 2010Conference name: ASAP 2010 - 21st IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and ProcessorsThe mapping of high level applications onto the coarse grained reconfigurable architectures (CGRA) are usually performed manually by using graphical tools or when automatic compilation is used, some restrictions are imposed to the high level code. Since high level applications do not contain parallelism explicitly, mapping the application directly to CGRA is very difficult. In this paper, we present a middle level Language for Reconfigurable Computing (LRC). LRC is similar to assembly languages of microprocessors, with the difference that parallelism can be coded in LRC. LRC is an efficient language for describing control data flow graphs. Several applications such as FIR, multirate, multichannel filtering, FFT, 2D-IDCT, Viterbi decoding, UMTS and CCSDC turbo decoding, Wimax LDPC decoding are coded in LRC and mapped to the Bilkent Reconfigurable Computer with a performance (in terms of cycle count) close to that of ASIC implementations. The applicability of the computation model to a CGRA having low cost interconnection network has been validated by using placement and routing algorithms. © 2010 IEEE.EnglishCoarse grained reconfigurable architecturesAssembly languageAutomatic compilationCoarse grained reconfigurable architectureComputation modelControl data flow graphsCycle countEfficient computationGraphical toolsHigh level applicationsLow costsMulti rateMulti-channel filteringPlacement and routingReconfigurable computerReconfigurable computingTurbo decodingViterbi decodingData flow analysisDecodingLinguisticsMicroprocessor chipsNetwork architectureQuery languagesViterbi algorithmWimaxComputer architectureAn efficient computation model for coarse grained reconfigurable architectures and its applications to a reconfigurable computerConference Paper10.1109/ASAP.2010.5541009