Özcan, K. M.Berument, HakanNeyaptı, B.2019-02-132019-02-1320041308-7800http://hdl.handle.net/11693/49430This paper investigates the inflation dynamics in Turkey between 1988 and 2000. Using model-free techniques, we first observe that there is strong inertia in Turkish inflation. Next, we look at the correlations between Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation and the leads and lags of the various possible determinants of CPI inflation. The evidence indicates that there are significant positive correlations between the dynamics of housing rents and the CPI, and both the US Dollar and German Mark exchange rates and the CPI. Contrary to expectations, however, data show both a negative relationship between wage and price dynamics and a negative lagged effect of import price inflation on the CPI inflation. The evidence also indicates a negative lagged impact of inflation received by farmers on CPI inflation and a positive lagged response of the CPI to it.EnglishInflation dynamicsInflation inertiaConsumer price indexCPIDynamics of inflation and inflation inertia in TurkeyArticle