Teke, OguzhanArıkan, OrhanGürbüz, A.C.2016-02-082016-02-082013http://hdl.handle.net/11693/28002Date of Conference: 24-26 April 2013Compressive Sensing theory shows that, a sparse signal can be reconstructed from its sub-Nyquist rate random samples. With this property, CS approach has many applications. Radar systems, which deal with sparse signal due to its nature, is one of the important application of CS theory. Even if CS approach is suitable for radar systems, classical detections schemes under Neyman-Pearson formulations may result high probability of false alarm, when CS approach is used, especially if the target has off-grid parameters. In this study, a new detection scheme which enables CS techniques to be used in radar systems is investigated. © 2013 IEEE.TurkishCompressive sensingRadar signal processingCompressive sensingDetection schemeHigh probabilityNeyman-pearsonOff-gridsRadar signal processingRandom sampleSparse signalsDoppler radarRadar systemsSignal detectionSignal reconstructionCompressive sensing based target detection in delay-doppler radarsSıkıştırılmış algilama ile darbe-doppler radar hedef tespitiConference Paper10.1109/SIU.2013.6531496