Mulazimoglu, E.Coskun, S.Gunoven, M.Butun, B.Özbay, EkmelTuran, R.Unalan, H. E.Özbay, Ekmel2015-07-282015-07-282013-08-230003-6951 report on the fabrication and characterization of solution-processed, highly flexible, silicon nanowire network based metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors. Both the active part of the device and the electrodes are made of nanowire networks that provide both flexibility and transparency. Fabricated photodetectors showed a fast dynamic response, 0.43 ms for the rise and 0.58 ms for the fall-time, with a decent on/off ratio of 20. The effect of nanowire-density on transmittance and light on/off behavior were both investigated. Flexible photodetectors, on the other hand, were fabricated on polyethyleneterephthalate substrates and showed similar photodetector characteristics upon bending down to a radius of 1 cm.EnglishAqueous Fluoride SolutionSolar-cellsSi nanowiresPhotovoltaic applicationsRoom-temperatureArraysOrientationPerformanceFabricationMechanismSilicon nanowire network metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectorsArticle10.1063/1.4819387