Kaptanoğlu, Hakkı TurgayÜreyen, A. E.2019-02-212019-02-2120180025-584Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/11693/49929We describe exactly and fully which of the spaces of holomorphic functions in the title are included in which others. We provide either new results or new proofs. More importantly, we construct explicit functions in each space that show our relations are strict and the best possible. Many of our inclusions turn out to be sharper than the Sobolev imbeddings.English30H2030H2532A0532A1832A3632A37Secondary: 30B1032W0542B2546E15Atomic decompositionBergmanBesovBlochBounded holomorphic functionHadamard gap seriesInclusionLipschitz spaceLittlewood-Paley inequalityPrimary: 30H05Ryll-Wojtaszczyk polynomialSobolev imbeddingPrecise inclusion relations among Bergman-Besov and Bloch-Lipschitz spaces and H∞ on the unit ball of CNArticle10.1002/mana.201700236