Salihoglu, O.Kürüm, U.Yaglıoglu, G. H.Elmali, A.Aydınlı, Atilla2016-02-082016-02-0820110021-8979 crystallization of amorphous germanium (a-Ge) in ambient has been studied. Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition grown a-Ge was irradiated with single femtosecond laser pulses of various durations with a range of fluences from below melting to above ablation threshold. Extensive use of Raman scattering has been employed to determine post solidification features aided by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy measurements. Linewidth of the Ge optic phonon at 300 cm -1 as a function of laser fluence provides a signature for the crystallization of a-Ge. Various crystallization regimes including nanostructures in the form of nanospheres have been identified.EnglishAblation thresholdsAmorphous germaniumFemto-second laserFluencesLaser fluencesOptic phononUltra-fastAtomic force microscopyChemical vapor depositionCrystallizationNanospheresPlasma depositionPlasma enhanced chemical vapor depositionScanning electron microscopyUltrafast lasersUltrashort pulsesGermaniumFemtosecond laser crystallization of amorphous GeArticle10.1063/1.3601356