Tanatar, BilalErdemir, E.2016-02-082016-02-0820030921-4526http://hdl.handle.net/11693/27535The density profiles of bosonic and fermionic components in a system of trapped two-dimensional (2D) boson-fermion (BF) mixture are studied. We employ the variational approach to minimize the total energy functional of the BF mixture subject to the conservation of particle numbers of the species. We consider repulsive interactions between bosons and investigate the repulsive and attractive interactions between bosons and fermions. Our results are qualitatively similar to those in 3D, despite the fact that the structure of equations in 2D are different.EnglishBose-Einstein condensationBoson-fermion mixturesPhase separationElectron trapsGround stateMixturesPhase separationBoson-fermion mixturesFermionsTwo-dimensional boson-fermion mixtures in harmonic trapsArticle10.1016/S0921-4526(02)01905-1