Li, Z.Aydin, K.Ă–zbay, Ekmel2015-07-282015-07-2820100030-4018 metamaterials with omega shaped metallic inclusions were studied experimentally and theoretically. Our results show that when the incidence is perpendicular to the plane of the omega structure, the omega medium acts effectively as an electric resonator metamaterial. The stop band of the omega medium is due to the negative part of the electric resonance of the omega structure. The transmission band of the composite metamaterial (CMM) that is based on the omega medium is due to the strong positive part of the electric resonance of the omega structure. Consequently, the transmission band of the CMM does not coincide with the stop band of the omega medium. Furthermore, the transmission band of the CMM is a band with positive refractive indices. Our experimental and numerical results are in good agreement.EnglishNegative permittivityRefractionIndexTransmission spectra and the effective parameters for planar metamaterials with omega shaped metallic inclusionsArticle10.1016/j.optcom.2010.02.029