Makey, GhaithTokel, OnurTurnalı, AhmetPavlov, IhorElahi, ParvizYavuz, Ozg ¨ unİlday, F. Ömer2018-04-122018-04-1220169781943580156 name: 3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications 2016Date of Conference: 25–28 July 2016Through the Nonlinear Laser Lithography method, we demonstrate the first computer generated holograms fabricated deep inside Silicon. Fourier and Fresnel holograms are fabricated buried inside Si wafers, and a generation algorithm is developed for hologram fabrication. © OSA 2016.EnglishFabricationImage acquisitionLithographySilicon wafersComputer generated hologramsFourierFresnel hologramsGeneration algorithmNonlinear lasersSi waferHologramsHolograms deep inside SiliconConference Paper10.1364/3D.2016.JW4A.2