Yenigün, C. D.Székely, G. J.Rizzo, M. L.2016-02-082016-02-0820110361-0926 correlation has several desirable properties as a measure of dependence, including the fact that it vanishes if and only if the variables are independent. Except for a few special cases, it is hard to evaluate maximal correlation explicitly. We focus on two-dimensional contingency tables and discuss a procedure for estimating maximal correlation, which we use for constructing a test of independence. We compare the maximal correlation test with other tests of independence by Monte Carlo simulations. When the underlying continuous variables are dependent but uncorrelated, we point out some cases for which the new test is more powerful.EnglishExact testsMaximal correlationTests of independenceContingency tableContinuous variablesExact testsMaximal correlationMonte Carlo SimulationTests of independenceComputer simulationCorrelation methodsMonte Carlo methodsTestingA test of independence in two-way contingency tables based on maximal correlationArticle10.1080/03610921003764274