Clarke, AaronGrzeczkowski, L.Mast, F.Gauthier, I.Herzog, M.2020-04-092020-04-0920140042-6989 typical perceptual learning experiments, one stimulus type (e.g., a bisection stimulus offset either to the left or right) is presented per trial. In roving, two different stimulus types (e.g., a 30′ and a 20′ wide bisection stimulus) are randomly interleaved from trial to trial. Roving can impair both perceptual learning and task sensitivity. Here, we investigate the relationship between the two. Using a bisection task, we found no effect of roving before training. We next trained subjects and they improved. A roving condition applied after training impaired sensitivity.EnglishRovingBlockingBisectionPerceptual learningDeleterious effects of roving on learned tasksArticle10.1016/j.visres.2013.12.010