Etminan, AslanSadeghi, AlirezaGürel, Levent2016-02-082016-02-0820141522-3965 of Conference: 6-11 July 2014Conference Name: Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE 2014We present a general framework for detecting the shape and electrical properties of unknown objects by using the Newton minimization approach for solving inverse-scattering problems. This procedure is performed by evolving an initial-guess object iteratively until the cost function decreases to a desired value. Rapid convergence of this method is demonstrated by some numerical results.EnglishConvergence of numerical methodsCost functionsIterative methodsNumerical methodsDielectric objectsElectromagnetic imagingInitial guessInverse scattering problemsNewton minimizationNumerical resultsRapid convergenceUnknown objectsInverse problemsElectromagnetic imaging of three-dimensional dielectric objects with Newton minimizationConference Paper10.1109/APS.2014.6904766