Bayram, S.Gezici, Sinan2016-02-082016-02-082012-02-201051-2004 of some suboptimal detectors can be enhanced by adding independent noise to their inputs via the stochastic resonance (SR) effect. In this paper, the effects of SR are studied for binary composite hypothesis-testing problems. A Neyman-Pearson framework is considered, and the maximization of detection performance under a constraint on the maximum probability of false-alarm is studied. The detection performance is quantified in terms of the sum, the minimum, and the maximum of the detection probabilities corresponding to possible parameter values under the alternative hypothesis. Sufficient conditions under which detection performance can or cannot be improved are derived for each case. Also, statistical characterization of optimal additive noise is provided, and the resulting false-alarm probabilities and bounds on detection performance are investigated. In addition, optimization theoretic approaches to obtaining the probability distribution of optimal additive noise are discussed. Finally, a detection example is presented to investigate the theoretical results.EnglishBinary hypothesis-testingComposite hypothesis-testingLeast-favorable priorNeyman-PearsonStochastic resonance (SR)Binary compositesBinary hypothesis-testingDetection performanceDetection probabilitiesIndependent noiseLeast-favorable priorMaximum probabilityNeyman-PearsonParameter valuesStatistical characterizationStochastic resonancesSufficient conditionsTheoretical resultAdditive noiseDetectorsMagnetic resonanceOptimizationProbability distributionsCircuit resonanceStochastic resonance in binary composite hypothesis-testing problems in the Neyman-Pearson frameworkArticle10.1016/j.dsp.2012.02.003