Acar, S.Voyvoda, E.Yeldan, Alp Erinç2020-04-132020-04-1320189780128135198 5This chapter uses the analytical model described in Chapter 4 to quantitatively investigate the set of viable macroeconomic policy instruments for combating climate change, and addresses a set of duality characteristics of the Turkish economy. The chapter initially characterizes the business-as-usual pathway over the first half of the 21st century (until 2040), and then studies a strategic policy scenario to attain multiple objectives of reduced informalization, more equitable regional social welfare, and environmental abatement. The results indicate that by pursuing a coherent macroeconomic strategy toward taxing fossil fuel use and earmarking fiscal revenues for expansion of the renewables sector strategically located within a regional development program, Turkey can mitigate gaseous emissions and expand its income and employment within a more equitable and sustained development pathway.EnglishBusiness-as-usualGreen development pathwayInformalizationEnvironmental abatementFossil fuelRenewablesCarbon taxationFossil fuel subsidiesPolicy analysis: toward a green development pathway for the peripheral worldBook Chapter10.1016/B978-0-12-813519-8.00005-410.1016/C2016-0-04839-8