Ertürk, V. B.Rojas, R. G.2015-07-282015-07-282002-110018-926X new method to evaluate the surface fields excited within the paraxial (nearly axial) region of an electrically large dielectric coated circular cylinder is presented. This representation is obtained by performing the Watson’s transformation in the standard eigenfunction solution and using the fact that the circumferentially propagating series representation of the appropriate Green’s function is periodic in one of its two variables. Therefore, it can be approximated by a Fourier series where the two leading terms of the expansion yield engineering accuracy in most cases. This work can be used in conjunction with a method of moments solution for the design/analysis of conformal microstrip antennas and arrays. Numerical results are presented and compared with a standard eigenfunction expansion.EnglishCoated cylindersGreen’s functionParaxial representationAlgorithmsConductive materialsEigenvalues and eigenfunctionElectric currentsElectric impedanceFourier transformsGreen's functionMethod of momentsDielectric coated circular cylinderParaxial space-domain formulationDielectric materialsParaxial space-domain formulation for surface fields on dielectric coated circular cylinderArticle10.1109/TAP.2002.803955