Ostrovskll, I. V.2019-02-052019-02-0520010278-1077http://hdl.handle.net/11693/48870It has been shown by the author that, if all remainders of the power series of an entire function f have only real positive zeros, then log M(r, f) = O((1og r)'), r -+ ca. The main results of the paper are the following: (i) if at least two different remainders have only real positive zeros, then logM(r,f) = O(fi, r+ ca; (ii) this estimate cannot be improved even in the case if one replaces two by any given finite number of remainders.EnglishAngular zero distributionEntire functionPower seriesRemainderOn the zero distributionof remainders of entire power seriesArticle10.1080/174769301088153281563-5066